This is one of my favorite sessions to date! I love the concept so much, and think it changes the game of family photography! One of my favorite photographers out of California offers this type of session, and after seeing her photos and reading her blog post about how she organized it, I was sold!
If you dread the thought of traditional family photos (the wrangling kids into their Sunday best, the groaning from your partner because they would rather be doing something - anything - else, and then trying to get everyone to look at the camera), then this is for you, my friend! The idea behind a Day in the Life session, is to capture things that you really do, moments you really enjoy, in locations that really are a part of your life. Like to hit up story time at the library with your toddlers? Day in the Life. Are you a Target and messy bun kinda mom (who isn’t?!)? Day in the Life. Park? Ice Cream? Baking? Day in the Life. Together, we choose a couple of activities to do over a 2-3 hour time slot, and then you and your family have fun and I capture the magic.
For this one, mom chose some playtime at home with her boys, a trip to feed the ducks at their neighborhood pond, and ice cream at a local shopping center with a great open green for the kids to play. It was such a blast! No meltdowns from toddlers, no coaxing fake smiles, just real, honest relationships amd happy kids! Each of the boys took the time to show me their favorite toys, and we even played chase after ice cream. The highlight for me? Getting a text afterwards from the mom, saying that the boys were sad that I didn’t go back home with them at the end!